Copy Editing + Translations

Matthias Reiss

So far I have been working for the following publishing houses (most of which are German): Ariston, Beltz/PVU, Birkhäuser, Campus, Carl-Auer Systeme, Droemer-Knaur, dtv, Elsevier, Europa-Verlag, S. Fischer, Hanser, Huber, Klett-Cotta, mvg, Paranus, Psychologie heute, Reader's Digest, redline, Schattauer, Scherz, Spektrum, Springer, Trias, Urban and Fischer, vgs, and Walter. If you are interested in collaborating on a project please feel free to contact me. You may call me, send me a message using the following links:

This is my postal address, my email address, my curriculum vitae and a picture of myself.


E. Aronson, T. D. Wilson and S. R. Sommers: Social psychology, 9. edition (Pearson)
B. Duffy: The perils of perception (Springer Spektrum)
S. P. Hinshaw: Another kind of madness. A journey through the stigma and hope of mental illness (Psychiatrie Verlag)
C. M. Christensen: The innovator's solution (Franz Vahlen, imprint of C. H. Beck)
K. S. Shultz: The psychology of retirement (Dorling Kindersley)
Ph. G. Zimbardo, R. L. Johnson and V. McCann: Psychology. Core concepts (Pearson)
E. Aronson, T. D. Wilson and R. M. Akert: Social psychology, 8. edition (Pearson)
Kelly G. Wilson: Mindfulness for two. An acceptance and commitment therapy approach in psychotherapy (Huber)
P. van Lommel: Light and shadow (Patmos, Preface in a book by S. Mehne about near-death experiences)
G. H. Eiffert: Acceptance and commitment therapy for anxiety disorders (Balance, contribution to a book)
K. Newman Taylor and N. Abba: Mindfulness in psychosis (Balance, contribution to a book)
L. Rosen: iDisorder. Understanding our obsession with technology and overcoming its hold on us (Spektrum)
M. E. Agronin: Therapy with older clients. Key strategies for success (Junfermann)
G. Cardone: If you're not first you're last. Sales strategies to dominate your market and beat your competition (GABAL)
M. Hewstone, W. Stroebe and K. Jonas (Eds.): Introduction to social psychology (Springer, 6th edition)
Neel Burton: The meaning of madness (Spektrum)
Brian Tracy: No excuses! The power of self-discipline (Gabal)
Oliver Schultheiss and Michelle Wirth: Biopsychological Aspects of Motivation. In J. and H. Heckhausen (Eds.): Motivation (Springer)
Bibi van der Zee: Green business (Gabal)
Sarah Powell und Pervez Ghauri: Globalization (Gabal)
Alan Charlesworth: The digital revolution (Gabal)
Linda Ferrell and O.C. Ferrell: Ethical business (Gabal)
Dalai Lama and P. Ekman: Emotional awareness (Spektrum Akademischer Verlag)
S. Reiss: The normal personality (Gabal)
D. Myers: Psychology (Springer, 2. completely revised edition)
W. Stroebe, K. Jonas and M. Hewstone (Eds.): Introduction to social psychology (Springer, 5. completely revised edition)
A. Ries and L. Ries: The origin of brands. Discover the natural laws of product innovation and business survival (redline)
S. Böcking and W. Wirth: Suspension of disbelief in communication research. Conceptualization of a construct (for the authors)
H. Schramm and W. Wirth: Towards an integrative theory of affect regulation through media usage (for the authors)
D. Shasha: The puzzling adventures of Dr. Ecco (mvg)
R. Solso: Cognitive psychology (Springer)
D. Shasha: Dr. Ecco's Cyberpuzzles (mvg)
Ph. Carter and K. Russel: IQ Testing. 400 ways to evaluate your brainpower (mvg)
M. Hewstone, W. Stroebe and K. Jonas (Eds.): Introduction to social psychology (Springer, 4th edition)
D. Goldmann: Complete home medical guide (Dorling Kindersley; in cooperation with other translators)
B. Knight, G. Robinson and D. Satre: A life span developmental approach to psychotherapy with older adults (Springer)
M. Mills and P. Coleman: Reminiscence and life review interventions with older people (Springer)
L. Dunkel: Magic circles (Provinzial-Versicherung Münster)
D. Zohar and I. Marshall: SQ. Connecting with our spiritual intelligence (Scherz)
James Morrison: When psychological problems mask medical disorders (Huber)
V. Krasnov, V. Lebedev and E. West: Psychiatric problems arising from extreme environmental circumstances (Springer)
R. Gardner and W.T. McKinney: Ethology and the use of animal models (Springer)
J. Wertheimer: Psychiatric treatment and rehabilitation of the elderly mental ill (Springer)
S. Shapiro and K. Skinulis: Parent Talk (Scherz)
E. Shapiro and H. Padma-Nathan: Viagra and Co. (Ariston; in cooperation with Ingrid Schubert)
B. Gerstman, Ch. Pizzo and R. Seldes: What men want - three professional single men reveal what it takes to make a man yours (mvg)
D. Hamer and P. Copeland: Living with our genes (Scherz)
A. Duncan Ross and H. Gibbs: The medicine of emergency room (vgs)
D. Zimbardo: Psychology (Springer; in cooperation with other translaters)
E. Wexberg: Morality and mental health (S. Fischer)
C. Badcock: PsychoDarwinism. The new synthesis of Darwin and Freud (Hanser)
R.d Ofshe and E. Watters: Making monsters. False memories, psychotherapy, and sexual hysteria (dtv; in cooperation with Birgit Brandau)
J. Astington-Wilde: The child`s discovery of mind (Ernst Reinhardt)
P. Leach: Children first. What our society must do - and is not doing - for our children today (Droemer Knaur)
J. Weiner: The beak of the finch. A story of evolution in our time (Droemer Knaur)

Copy Editing

L. Berk: Entwicklungspsychologie (English title: "Development through the lifespan", 7. edition, 1074 pages; Pearson)
P. Denninger: Der Weg in ein glückliches Leben ... durch nachhaltiges (Selbst-)Coaching ("The road to a happy life ... via sustainable self-coaching"; Springer)
C. Gerdenitsch and Ch. Korunka: Digitale Transformation der Arbeitswelt. Psychologische Erkenntnisse zur Gestaltung von aktuellen und zukünftigen Arbeitswelten ("Digital transformation of the work environment. Psychological insights into the design of contemporary and future work environments"; Springer)
M. Burmeister: Navigationssystem Werteorientierung ("Navigation system in the field of value orientation"; published by Springer, edited for the author)
J. A. M. Reif, E. Spieß and P. Stadler: Effektiver Umgang mit Stress. Gesundheitsmanagement im Beruf ("Effective stress coping. Health management in the work world"; Springer)
J. Asendorpf: Persönlichkeit. Was uns ausmacht – und warum ("Personality. What we are all about and why"; Springer Spektrum)
S. Werther and L. Bruckner: Arbeit 4.0 ("Work 4.0"; Springer Spektrum)
J. Reif, E. Spieß and P. Stadler: Effektiver Umgang mit Stress ("Effective stress management"; Springer Spektrum)
S. Mühlbacher and M. Zieser: Psychologie des Steuerzahlens ("Psychology of paying taxes"; Springer Spektrum)
K. Lehmann: Das schöpferische Gehirn ("The creative brain"; Springer Spektrum)
L. Winscheid: Das Geheimnis der Psyche. Wie man bei Günther Jauch eine Million gewinnt und andere Wege, die Nerven zu behalten ("The secret around psyche. How to win a million and other ways of keeping cool"; Ariston)
Ch. Weiner: »Erzähl doch mal von dir!« Wie sich Ihr Kind öffnet − Kindercoaching für den Alltag ("Tell me something about you. Everyday coaching for children"; Ariston)
L. Lewitan and M. Böhler: Stressless. Das ABC für mehr Gelassenheit in Job und Alltag ("Stressless. How to gain more serenity in the job and in everyday situations"; Ariston)
Manfred Wolfersdorf: Depression ("Depression"; Balance-Verlag)
S. Hammer: Balance im Stress. Achtsame Wege ins Gleichgewicht ("Mindful ways to balance"; Balance-Verlag)
R. Oerter and L. Montada: Entwicklungspsychologie ("Textbook of developmental psychology"; Beltz/PVU)
U. Six, U. Gleich and R. Gimmler: Kommunikationspsychologie - Medienpsychologie ("Textbook of communication psychology and media psychology"; Beltz/PVU)
K. Vetter and C. Buddeberg: Kopfgeburten. Vorstellungen von Schwangerschaft, Geburt und Wochenbett ("Proceedings of a conference on pregnancy, birth and the weeks after birth"; Akademos)
M. Luyeens and A. Vansteenwegen: Ondanks de liefde ("Despite all that love"; Carl-Auer-Systeme)
A. Vansteenwegen: Liefde is een werkwoord ("Love is a verb"; Carl-Auer-Systeme)
J. McCullough: Treatment for Chronic Depression (in German, editing the translation for Urban und Fischer)
S. Brunnhuber, S. Frauenknecht and K. Lieb: Intensivkurs Psychiatrie ("Thorough course psychiatry"; Urban and Fischer)
Frieboes, Berger, Koch and Zaudig: Rehabilitation psychischer Störungen ("Rehabilitation of patients with mental disorders"; Urban und Fischer)
H. Sachs: Brustkrebs. Somatik, Psychosomatik, Prävention ("Breast cancer, somatic and psychosomatic aspects"; akademos)
Th. von Uexküll: Psychosomatische Medizin ("Textbook of psychosomatic medicine"; Urban und Fischer; in cooperation with M. Grauer)
P. Henningsen, N. Heidkamp, M. Sack, C.E. Scheidt and G. Rudolf: Somatoforme Störungen ("Somatoform disorders"; Schattauer-Verlag)
M. Lohmer: Borderline-Beziehungen ("Borderline relations"; Schattauer-Verlag)
S. Ahrens and W. Schneider: Lehrbuch der psychotherapischen Medizin ("Textbook of psychotherapeutic medicine"; Schattauer-Verlag)
G. Milzner: Schmerz und Trance, Vol. 2 ("Pain and trance"; Carl-Auer-Systeme)
A.S. Henderson: Prinzipien psychiatrischer Epidemiologie ("Principles of psychiatric epidemiology"; Springer)
G. Milzner: Schmerz und Trance, Vol. 1 ("Pain and trance"; Carl-Auer-Systeme)
M. Wirsching: Jenseits vom Schulenstreit. Ein kritischer Blick auf psychotherapeutische Entwicklungen ("Beyond arguments between schools of thought: a critical view on tendencies in psychotherapy"; S. Fischer)
K. Giel (Ed.): Geist und Gehirn ("Mind and brain"; S. Fischer)
G. Klöckner: Vermögensaufbau und Altersvorsorge ("Assets and pension fonds"; Campus)
D. Peak and M. Frame: Komplexitätstheorie ("Theory of complexity"; Birkhäuser)
G. Auf dem Garten: Schattenbilder ("Shadows images"; Paranus)
G. Strube: Wörterbuch der Kognitionswissenschaft ("Dictionary of cognitive science"; Klett-Cotta)
P. Mussen, J. Conger, J. Kagan and A. Huston: Child development and personality (German title: "Lehrbuch der Kinderpsychologie"; Klett-Cotta)
H.-O. Peitgen, H.Jürgens and D. Saupe: Chaos and fractals (German title: "Chaos. Bausteine der Ordnung"; Springer/Klett-Cotta)

Planning of Book Projects

Ariston: Popular introduction into psychology (by Leon Winscheid)
VS Verlag: Planing the psychology section of the publishing house
MVG: IQ testing (German adaptation of English test items)
Trias: Ecological simulation on CD-ROM
Trias: Psychological tests on CD-ROM
Reader's Digest: Think Better, Live Better (in cooperation with Thomas Kopal)

Feasibility Studies

Ann and Richard Barnet: The youngest minds (Scherz)
Cloé Madanes: The secret meaning of money (Walter)
Harrison Forrest: For women only - How to control a man (mvg)
Jean Baker Miller and Irene Pierce Stiver: The healing connection. How women form relationships in therapy and in life (Fischer)
Jeffrey Freed and Laurie Parsons: Right-brained children in a left-brained world. (Klett-Cotta)
B. Parkinson, P. Totterdale, R. Briner and S. Reynolds: Changing moods. The psychology of mood and mood regulation. (Klett-Cotta)
Raymond Barglow: The crisis of the self in the age of information (Klett-Cotta)
Charles Crook: Computers and the collaborative experience of learning (Klett-Cotta)
Marvin R. Goldfried: From cognitive-behavior therapy to psychotherapy integration. An evolving view (Klett-Cotta)
Robert L. Leahy: Cognitive therapy. Basic principles and applications (Klett-Cotta)
Andrew R. Eisen and Christopher A. Kearney: Practioner's guide to treating fear and anxiety in children and adolescents. A cognitive-behavioral approach (Klett-Cotta)
Michael Laudor: The laws of madness (Droemer Knaur)
Ian Hacking: Rewriting the soul (dtv)
Richard Offshe and Ethan Watters: Making monsters. False memories, psychotherapy, and sexual hysteria (dtv)
Michael Kruhl: Autobiography (Paranus)
Robert Wright: The moral animal (Droemer Knaur)


William H. Calvin: The cerebral symphony. Seashore reflections on the structure of consciousness (Psychologie heute)
Paul Davies: God's plan (Psychologie heute)


Short Curriculum Vitae

Studied psychology at the universities of Münster, München and Regensburg (Germany). Doctoral dissertation about "Einstellung und Psychophysik" (Attitude and Psychophysics) in Münster. Taught at the universities of Hannover, Bielefeld, DeKalb (USA), Karlsruhe and Mainz. Several publications. Editor at Klett-Cotta (Stuttgart, Germany). Free-lance editor and translator for books in the fields of psychology, medicine and education since 1993.



Dr. Matthias Reiss


You can send me an email directly from this homepage. Click on the following email-address: I will answer your email as soon as possible.


... finally a picture of myself: